Aldo Leopold & Legacy
Leopold's Life and How His Legacy Will Help Us Face Climate Change and Other Challenges
Lorbiecki recounts the dramatic story of writer and ecologist, Aldo Leopold who sparked the movement in the 1920s (which has spread throughout the world). Beginning with Leopold’s adventurous 19th Century youth, Lorbiecki describes how he pushed ahead with his vital ideas of wildlife management, restoration ecology, and, especially, land ethics, despite the struggles of the Great Depression and World War II. Leopold’s classic book, A Sand County Almanac, is internationally acclaimed by scientists and writers, and widely called the “conservationists’ bible.” Be inspired by his unusual, exciting life and influence, which offers hope and guidance for our challenges today -- the wisdom we will need to build our future.
Marybeth was marvelous! ... Her presentation was warm and witty, full of life and of respect for one of nature’s early protectors. Sharing her sensitivity to our vulnerable environment, she successfully conveyed how Leopold’s vocation and avocation grew into a passionate “fierce, green fire.”
—Katie Chaffee, Special Events and Programming, River Falls Public Library, River Falls, Wisconsin
Presenting on “The Legacy of Aldo Leopold,” her passion, energy, engaging personality and sweeping knowledge made for a most convincing, fast-paced presentation, which, in turn, stimulated active and enthusiastic audience participation. It was a great program.
—Otto Byhre, Adult Education Coordinator, Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis