Meet Marybeth
Author /Speaker/Librettist

Sometimes I feel like my mind is like that of a magpie, flitting about and picking up anything of interest and wanting to fly away with it. Hoping I can carry you with me.
I've had this kind of flying recently writing a musical with composer Owen P. Olson--Lucette! A Lively Tale of Lumberjacks, Trees & Paul Bunyan." It retells the story of my folktale character Lucette who transforms Paul Bunyan (and his team of lumberjacks) from indiscriminate loggers into caring foresters through three fun love tests.
Like Lucette, I feel most comfortable outdoors, on a hike or cross country ski, in a tent or canoe, skating on the lake, or sitting on a beach staring into the water. But those are not the best places to write a book. So I have to pull myself back to my computer.

Over the years, I've been an editor of children's and adult literature, a marketing communications writer, grant writer, and university teacher (plus waitress, park worker, factory line laborer and more). I have been immensely privileged to work with so many inspiring students, aspiring writers, and colleagues, and all the professionals in the book field: authors, editors, illustrators, designers, booksellers, teachers, librarians, and readers of all ages.
More Works in Progress, Larry Gibson

Larry Gibson on Kayford Mountain, WV
(OHVEC, Vivian Stockman)
I have a number of children's books in the works, but the biggest project is writing an adult biography of the courageous West Virginian activist Larry Gibson (who died in 2012)-- "Appalachian Uprising: How Larry Gibson & Friends Took on King Coal, Dirty Politics & Climate Change." Drawing on over 100 interviews with those who knew him, it follows Larry's unexpected path to becoming an American hero and the movement that took on the political corruption of the coal industry to try to save the the mountains and people of Appalachia, and the world from climate change. That project is intensely dramatic, with many ups and downs and dangers in its pages, so I'm grateful to have my husband, David, and our three terrific adult children (Nadja, Mirjana, and Dmitri), family, and friends to lighten my life up. Things can turn fairly riotous when playing games, particularly charades and "Code Names".
Marybeth Lorbiecki, M.A., is an award-winning author of numerous books for children and adults, and a requested speaker on the varied topics she has explored. A Wisconsin Children's Book Author of the Year, she has presented author and writing workshops for varied ages, including school children and memoir writing for adults. She was twice honored with the prestigious "Living the Dream" Award for her children's books on multicultural subjects.

"There are two things that interest me:
the relation of people to each other, and
the relation of people to the land."
- Aldo Leopold

Marybeth and husband David atop Spruce Knob, Seneca Rocks, W.V.
Featured Interests
"Her passion, energy, engaging personality and sweeping knowledge made for a most convincing, fast-paced presentation, which, in turn, stimulated active and enthusiastic audience participation. It was a great program!"
- Otto Byhre
Adult Education Coordinator, Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis
"Marybeth was marvelous! ... Her presentation was warm and witty, full of life and of respect for one of nature’s early protectors. Sharing her sensitivity to our vulnerable environment, she successfully conveyed how Leopold’s vocation and avocation grew into a passionate “fierce, green fire.”
- Katie Chaffee
River Falls Public Library, River Falls, Wisconsin
“All the teachers were very impressed with her presentation. Down-to-earth and personable. She had great information to share with the kids about the process of writing & publishing books."